exoskeleton suit that is practical for those of us who are crippled to semi crippled
I like the idea fat Albert gave
"If you are ambitious, robotic “nurse/maids” to help out with basic tasks"
I want to add , this needs to be a real thing not a table that brings you a drink or phone app to order diapers and food or refrigerator that shows what is in there all fluff no real help
I will tell you,,, it is important not to create "stuff" that is more than a sells gimmick! it needs to be needed items -- often said helping "stuff" is a insult not a real help to stuff we want
like I have fallen and cannot get up it has some value but the ads are insulting (women laying on the floor whining)
or medicare ad free this ad money back yadi yadi ,,, they fail to say in the ad they take you off PPO and on HMO so you loose your freedom and loose your doctor(s) no specialist
a lot like the ACA you lost your plan lost your doctor and freedom to specialist
at least a software than sorts out the BS from the sales pitch.. on all the jive and bait and switch -- doable but no money in that
like the crap remote doctor visits ,,,, might as well not bother
one thing ,,, the remote drug web sights that do not really work,, CVS caremart for control of the auto refill fails badly and you cannot seem to cancel a drug you no longer need -- OH sure it is on the web page,,, but they keep sending it after you cancel it with redundant email and text request to send it again after you canceled it
a BIG one medical software SUCKS why do I have to answer the same basic questions over and over and over..... I feel they are spending way to much time on stuff that should be permanent record and thus miss the real needs I am there for
create a base line static software , that does not require asking me over and over about my family history or if I smoke or drink alcohol
As a computer tech printer tech business man (I did lots of medical offices) ,,, I can tell you
keep it simple... the software medical groups use no is too complex promises a load of production no one really needs thus covers up the real needs
but because good doctors are not good business people they will always over buy and over estimate value then under use software
are you trying to make a living or just dedicate your self to poverty to help people ?