I need advice! I am 21 disabled and might have a child coming my way...?
Average Joe
2007-05-15 09:45:22 UTC
I have a brain tumor that doesn't let me work and if I am getting disability from the state....will I get more money than I currently am, to support a child?
Three answers:
2007-05-15 11:12:17 UTC
You will not get more from your disability but state aid is available. If your income is fixed you should aply for social services to assist with expenses of careing for the child. One fine program is called WIC and assures each family recieves well check ups for their children, and proper nutritional assistance. There are programs such as "gleaners" that assists in attaining extra food and there are food stamp programs and financial aid for dependent children...

The most important thing is that you give quality care and love for your child. Read to him/her all the time and enjoy the way they think and learn. Never let lack of money stop the learning process. Consistant loveing discipline and teach then good manners and social graces. These are things that money cannot buy nor lack of it denie. These are the things that will make your child a productive and well rounded individual in the future.

2007-05-15 09:58:12 UTC
unfortunately no but you can apply for public assistance at your local welfare office you can apply for food stamps and if you have a program for wic your gf/wife depending on her income can get that they will look at your income and hers if you are living together if not maybe she can apply for her self and the baby with out you on the case but if you share everything and live together bring all your bills you pay doctors and perscriptions and your disabilty letter of how much you get how much your rent is and any thing thats in her name plus a letter from her doctor saying she is pregnat they want proof of that
2007-05-15 09:53:33 UTC
You will get a little more but do yourself a favor and get yourself fixed, I did so I didn't have to worry about it.

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