2014-01-11 20:13:41 UTC
I had a job which required talking to people (retail) , and my boss notice that sometimes i wouldnt hear her or she thought i ignored her but when i explained to hear and told her that I am deaf (I can still talk and hear people, just sometimes not as what people can hear) and what do you know next,a month later i get layed off. She said it wasnt because she found out i was deaf but coz they needed someone that was onto it, in other hand, basically we have to repeat ourselfs. I Dont wear my hair down ever because i hate the feeling of hair on my skin so i cant hide the hearing aids.
Hardly anyone knows I wear hearing aids because i dont tell them and because im embarrassed of them, always have been and always will be.
I will never tell any guy ive dated or will be dating i got hearing aids! its just too embarrassing for me!
And now my sister just told me not long ago that im starting to get a lip, like how some deaf people talk! now this makes me more self conscious but yet i still dont wanna wear my hearing aids! I just dont know what to do! :'( I feel like crying!
I have searched up invisible hearing aids but i cant afford them nor i think the government will pay for it since they already paid for my new ones i freaking hate! I never asked them to give me the ones they gave me.